How To Fix A Noisy Radiator



Radiators are not supposed to make noise, but if yours does, it might just need some maintenance.

Does your radiator sound like a kettle boiling? Is your radiator extremely noisy? Does your radiator hiss? Is your radiator rattling? Does the sound of your radiator banging keep your up at night?
Radiators are a great way to provide heating for your home, but they can also be noisy. This is a common problem that many people face. Radiators are not supposed to make noise, but if yours does, it might just need some maintenance. A couple of easy fixes could rapidly get rid of all that racket. 
There are many reasons why a radiator might be making noise. Some of the most common reasons include:
● There is an air leak in the system
● The radiator is not properly sealed or insulated
● Air pressure in the house has increased and needs to be fixed
Finally, like all things, radiators have a limited lifespan — it might just be asking for its retirement party. Sometimes, the only way to fix an old radiator is by taking it out back and putting it out of its misery. You might just need to replace the unit with a sleeker brand new model.